Buying insurance is a serious business. It is more complicated than other commodities, and you must make your purchase decisions carefully. There are three primary ways to buy insurance: directly from an insurance company, from a local captive agent or a local independent agent. All of these options are different, and it can be difficult for some consumers to determine which is the best choice.
In general, working with a local independent agent is the best choice for consumers looking to purchase insurance. Read on to find out why.
Buying from an Agent versus Buying Direct
When you buy insurance directly from a specific insurance company, you won’t work with an agent in your area. Instead, you will complete the purchase online or over the phone with the help of an agent you may never speak to again. When you buy from a local agent, however, you will talk with someone who works in your area and can guide you through the purchase process. This same individual will continue to handle your policies even after the purchase process is complete.
Local agents may be captive or independent. Captive agents are agents who represent a single insurance company. Independent agents, on the other hand, represent multiple insurance companies. For example, if you call a captive agent who works for State Farm, the only quotes you receive will be from State Farm. However, an independent agent may provide you with quotes from three or more insurance companies at the same time.
Benefits of Working with an Independent Agent
Some of the primary benefits of working with a local independent agent are listed below.
1. Local independent agents are available when you need them.
A local independent agent is available to provide customer support when you have questions or concerns about your policy.
2. Local independent agents have knowledge and experience.
Local independent agents have specialized knowledge and experience that allows them to provide valuable advice. They can help you find the right policies, and they can also help you to find any discounts you can use to lower the price of coverage. Local captive agents also have knowledge and experience, but they have less freedom to provide unbiased advice because of the nature of their relationship with the insurance company they represent.
3. Independent agents have access to multiple carriers.
A local independent agent can obtain quotes from multiple insurance carriers so you can be sure you are getting the best deal. Also, an independent agent can find you another policy if you are unhappy with your current coverage or if your current policy is canceled.
Finding the Right Policy
When you are preparing to buy insurance, you always need to make the quality of the coverage your top priority. At Imes Insurance Associates, we can help you find insurance policies that meet all of your requirements for an affordable price. Please contact us today to get started or to learn more about our services.