Even though we diligently pay for auto insurance coverage, no one hopes they’re involved in a car accident to get their money back. Yet there are auto claim scenarios where car owners encounter an accident that is not their fault and are unable to receive compensation for their claims.
Unfortunately, compensation is never guaranteed—not unless you have convincing evidence and a competent claims adjuster. So, let’s look at some pointers on how to handle that situation in case you find yourself a victim.
Inform the Police or the Grocery Store
Contact the police and give full details about the accident. Make sure to provide the exact location, time of the day, and the extent of damage done to—the cars, drivers, and passengers.
If you’re not on public roads and the accident occurs on private property like a grocery store parking lot, report the same details to the grocery store. Convincing evidence is comprised of documenting the facts, and it starts with and where the accident starts. Reporting the accident is important documentation as evidence you’re not lying or filing a fraudulent claim.
Inform your Insurance Agent
Contact your agent and have a claim opened to protect your right to recovery. You need an agent with a comprehensive understanding of the industry, so they can help guide and accompany you through the claims process. It is a process; and one in which details and documentation matter. Therefore,
Get Facts Right; Document Them
The last thing you want to have happen is for your insurance company to ask for information that you cannot recall or remember; that hurts the validity of your claim. We all think we’ll remember all the details of the accident, but that’s only because we’re focused at the moment of the accident, but details fade over time. The idea here is to be alert, observant, and keen on anything happening at the scene to ensure you capture and record it.
But first things first;
• Exchange the relevant personal details with all parties
Find out if the driver involved is the registered owner of the vehicle and get their driver’s license number, address, and insurance company information. If it’s not their car, request the same information for the legal owner of the automobile. Remember documentation … collect the phone numbers, home addresses, and anything else that you can provide your claims adjuster who will be the person following up with the other party, it’s important they know how to contact them.
If the police, fire department, or an ambulance make it to the scene be aware and document badge numbers and contact details.
• Use the camera in your phone and snap some photos if possible
Visual images of people involved, cars’ position after the crash, damaged parts of the vehicles, will help you remember details and document your claim. Check out the scene and photograph any skid marks as the cars lost control, damaged vegetation, and anything else that would provide confirmation of what you say occurred.
• Keep a notebook handy and use it
Regardless of how smart you think we are; this is not the best place to test your recall. Due to pressure, you may end up forgetting some of the things said at the scene, important details are best remembered when written down. It should sound redundant by now, document everything.
Do Not Engage Other Parties Unnecessarily
Unless you are exchanging contact information, do not engage in chit chat or unnecessary conversation at the scene. Silence will help you avoid admitting responsibility out of an involuntary conviction during an argument or otherwise emotional conversation. Telling someone you’re sorry can easily be used against you as an admission of fault for having caused the accident.
Support and Cooperate with Claims Personnel
Whether it is recording a statement or providing your car and personal details, be sure to cooperate with the claim’s adjuster. Believe it or not, they are trying to resolve the claim as quickly and smoothly as possible. Avoid arguments and, instead, help at any point they need you. You are not guilty of anything, but you want to be sure you play a positive role in your claim process to provide you the best chances of receiving a satisfying resolution.
Afraid of Going Through the Process Alone? Let Us Know!
We do not assume everyone has the skills, energy and fortitude to triumph over this process because that’s impossible. All claims are different, but if you’d like someone to accompany you through the claims process, let us know. That is what we do best at Imes Insurance Associates, Mesa, AZ. You only need to contact us, and we’ll get back to you in no time. Hopefully, you can avoid this entire process! Happy and safe driving!!