You are smart, educated, and well-informed about your options when it comes to car insurance. You trust your instincts and know how to go online and research your needs better than anyone else. Naturally, it is easy to assume that purchasing your own insurance would be a breeze, no agent necessary. Unfortunately, many people just like you make the mistake of discounting the benefits of a local car insurance agent. Continue reading to find out why you really do need an agent before purchasing car insurance – even if you have a strong grasp on your coverage needs as a driver.
Risk Analysis
An insurance agent can provide you with a personalized risk analysis based on many different factors. From your age and driving habits to your personal income and assets, many things can affect how much you have at risk by owning and operating a motor vehicle. Even if you are a safe driver, you are still at risk of a significant loss regardless of fault. Your individual risk evaluation can help uncover critical gaps in coverage you may not have otherwise considered.
Special Coverage Assistance
Car insurance is a wealth preservation tool. The limits on your coverage must be enough to protect your assets, and future assets, should you be found at fault for a car accident. If you have unique coverage needs, such as extended liability requirements, an agent can help you find coverage meets your unique circumstances.
Individualized Attention
If you’ve ever tried to resolve an issue by calling a corporate number, you know how frustrating it can be to wait on hold or be passed around to multiple representatives, explaining your story again and again with each new person who answers the phone. Likewise, you also know how refreshing it can be to talk to someone local, that handles your case right away and appears to be happy to help. When you work with a local car insurance agent, you can walk into their office or reach someone by phone without any hassle.
Independent vs. Carrier Agents – What’s the Difference?
When you select an agent, you will need to choose between an independent and a captive agent. Independent agencies like ourselves, represent a number of leading insurance companies. We put your needs first, ensuring that you are matched with an insurance company that offers the coverage, limits, and reputation you expect from your provider.
Captive agents, on the other hand, often provide cookie-cutter coverage. When you use a captive agent, your choices are limited to that of a single insurance company. If the company does not offer the type of protection you need or high enough limits to safeguard your assets, there is no other company to turn to for an alternative solution.
We encourage you to call on an independent insurance agent to experience the difference for yourself. Contact our office to request your personal risk evaluation and local car insurance quotes. We look forward to serving you soon.